Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy Implant

Piece of cake!

I had a big mouth boo-boo all day yesterday but now it's feeling better. The first stage of the implant procedure, which Dr B called the hardest, was a lot more tolerable than a root canal. Have I mentioned I've had six root canals one of which I've given up for this implant? Actually, it gave up on me by falling out. I hate it when teeth fall out. It used to happen in only dreams…then I actually experienced a hard piece of something in my mouth I had to spit out into my hands! Lo and behold a $1,200 crown sitting uselessly in my palm. It could not be replaced other than with an implant. It took me several years to get up the nerve (and the money)!

I think most people agree dental work is not fun. If there was a hell, having dental work should be right up there on the torture forever list. Sorry Dr B. You're a nice guy and your staff is a great bundle of energy swirling me around from office, to dental chair, to X-ray and back to office and out the door. In less than an hour I was done and walking around in Walmart (don't tell my boss). I took the whole day as a sick day so I could suffer with dignity - alone!

After Walmart I came home and wrote a blog post for someone else's blog. Important heavy stuff about my "life before." It was an honor to be asked and I said yes to being a guest blogger. 

In cat news, we were told by the new vet to give Snafu the herbal tincture on a daily basis. Last night was our first regular dose and the first time he actually laid down beside me and fell asleep! This morning he is his regular chirpful self. Onward we go!

All is good today!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that ordeal is over and that you're okay! Less than an hour is terrific. LOL.


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