Monday, April 18, 2011


As you can imagine, living with 12 animals requires a lot of cleaning. This is my chemical arsenal. As organic as I’d like to be, I’m not convinced organic products work as well as these…and these aren’t even 100%, especially on a hot and humid day. They are the best I can do at this point. Ideally, DP and I would love to have wall to wall linoleum floors, but we have settled on carpets that are barf and poo brown.

I got a Spot Bot carpet cleaner for Christmas, but I’ve yet to open it because, well, there is so much more than a spot. I’m afraid all I’ll end up with is a carpet patched with clean spots. So why don’t I rent a carpet cleaner? Oy. That is a summer project because the furniture would have to go out onto the lawn. That means it would need to be a sunny stretch of days so there’s no mud which, here in Maine, is limited to about two months, and it would have to be over a weekend - a pay weekend since it’s not free to rent a machine; a weekend I’m not having my period or at mid-cycle because I have very little spare energy during those times, and…well, three years later I’m hoping this will be the summer.

I must tell you that during the writing of the above paragraphs I’ve had to stop three times to clean up cat vomit. OK, one of those treasures was “released” earlier but just discovered because Nick was trying to cover it up. The most recent vomit was given up by sweet Owen as he sat on top of the three story cat tower. Yeah, it was like hail. Good thing no one was under it (namely me).

So, I know you think I’m crazy (those of you who are not pet people, anyway) but this is what I’d rather be doing, writing and caring for our pets. It’s selling health insurance that is the real crazy thing.


  1. I feel your pain! An average day with the Horde involves at least one pee puddle and stray yak. Yet I'd rather be home with the fur family than anywhere else in the world.

  2. OMC, that was funny. Sorry. :-P

    I can't smell. Problem solved. Ha. Actually, I have to ask everyone who comes into the house if my place stinks. Seriously. I have a bunch of cleaning products, but the one that takes the stains out the best is just deionized water and hydrogen peroxide. Can't think of the brand name off hand.

  3. I understand.
    I have to clean up poo, pee, and vomit nearly on a daily basis. Like you I would prefer all non carpeted areas (unless I could keep the cats off the carpeted areas - like now 2 bedrooms are closed off to cats unless I supervise and even then I have had them cough up hair balls).
    It is never ending!

    We are sorry we have not been by to leave a comment, but our internet connection has been out for several days straight now with intermittent service for several weeks. We hope it is fixed, we are keeping our paws and whiskers crossed.


  4. Hey Lisa, my arsenal looks a lot like yours. I don't use bleach though, I use hydrogen peroxide which I learned from the vet hospital will dissolve blood on contact so I figured if it does that it should work on cat vomit and it does, just wish I could find it in a gallon jug! I have all vinyl floors now, when I first thought of moving here it was wall to wall carpet and I told the doc that wouldn't work for me, so he had the carpet removed and vinyl installed, which after 7 years looks kind of shabby in places. I have a dog who sprays the outside of the litter boxes occasionally and occasionally I don't find it until it has dried. But, I would rather put up with the constant cleaning with the cats then be without them!

  5. We are a large family of cats. Occasionally, someone likes to "freestyle" instead of using their box. When you have finally reached your wits end using organic products, go to Home Depot and get big chemical Zep High Traffic Carpet Cleaner. Then go to the thrift shop and get a bag of shabby towels for cheap.
    Heavily wet the odor or stained spot, wait , and then blot and blot and keep blotting till almost dry. This stuff can get out old set stains and odors, yes odors! We had used everything and this has worked the best for us. The secret is in the blotting.


I welcome your courteous comments and observations.