Thursday, April 28, 2011

Funk Breaker

There’s nothing like finding a pool of water under my sink to bring me right out of a funk!

I noticed my faucet was a little loose and I couldn’t put the nozzle/faucet back into its housing securely. When I pulled it out I saw water dripping out from the washers and sliding down the hose, back through the housing and into the cabinet below.

Luckily the washer tightened right up and stopped the leak immediately which helped me to feel very grateful my visions of plummer’s crack nightmare were not going to come true.

Unluckily, a rather deep pool of water had collected in the cabinet under the sink. Everything had a delightful coating of “dew” and it had to be completely cleared out. We store the usual cleaning products and bug repellents under there. A bungee cord secures away any four footed friends. We only lost a few cardboard items but nothing huge. It was good to clean it out and get rid of a few things.

I truly do feel grateful I caught it within days. I know it wasn’t sputtering water last weekend because I was under that sink quite a bit and nothing was awry.

On another note: Today, dear friends, I’m getting my first tooth implant! I said YES to a tooth implant.

My family was cursed with pretty bad teeth. Actually they line up straight enough, and look rather pretty, but my brothers and I were prone to lots of cavities. And in the bad teeth world, cavities progress to root canals and root canals to bridges, bridges to dentures or IMPLANTS! What ain’t silver in my mouth is fake. I think I have at least 5 root canals (and another is now just an open fleshy slot waiting for an implant). Still, we Kolosey’s have a pretty decent smile, and I’m going to have mine for long, long time!

I’m not looking forward to the pain, well not the procedure either, but that will be done and over within an hour or so. The pain can “last up to 72 hours”…then there is waiting for it to heal, which takes months. Yeah, this is how my mind is working as I anticipate the procedure. I’ve got to just live in the moment, live in the moment. Stop thinking about a big drill aiming for my jaw…live in the moment.

1 comment:

  1. Gaaahhh, dental surgery. Ugh, ugh, ugh! I hope you get good drugs for this. Sending lots of positive healing vibes!

    And I'm glad you caught the leak before it became a serious problem!


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