Saturday, May 7, 2011


Moments after I posted yesterday’s blog entry (which was right after I’d eaten breakfast and taken my morning Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride), DP announced that she’d be taking all the dogs with her on her errands.

All the dogs.

So much for being whooped.

I got a sudden rush of adrenaline and immediately after she left, I picked up the clutter and toys strewn about the floor, pulled out the vacuum cleaner and took full advantage of not having to juggle dogs, baby gates and cats to vacuum the house (cats really juggle themselves where the vacuum is concerned).

It wasn’t the most thorough vacuuming I’d ever done, but I just wanted to get through a broad sweep while I had the chance, seeing as I didn’t think I’d be vacuuming at all due to my decrepitness.

Have I mentioned I love Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride?

Problem is – it does wear off.

With vacuuming done, I can spend today writing (while doing laundry). With hours in front of me I’m left with the dilemma of which sorely neglected project I should take a look at. I usually go by what I’m feeling at the moment and I’m not feeling anything. At times like these I usually organize a project or begin with reading a paragraph or two from where I left off.

Since I’ve taken up blogging the personal blog, it’s been a full time writing venture. Granted I am forced to write daily, which I wasn’t being very good about before. But then writing was all about the project and not such “random abandon”.

It’s all good.

1 comment:

  1. HA! The cats juggle true!

    Yup, that sudafed stuff winds me up too, 'specially with a stiff cup of coffee. You know they cook meth out of that stuff, right? I cannot imaging being any more amped. I'm too old, LOL! But nothing clears up my allergy symptoms better, I agree.


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