Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Small Milestone

Yesterday this blog reached the 1,000 visitor mark!

A special “thank you” to those of you who return regularly and make up a significant portion of that count! I’ve taken the steps to make sure I’m not counted.

I seem to be averaging about 25 visits a day but I have 12 Followers. Hmm? Any of you wish to click the follow button? It’s easy!

So what is my progress on my Yes goals?

It’s hard to measure that based on the last week because of my “under the weather” status. I’m finally coming out from under that. I did take a sick day from work and did not go to church or choir practice on Sunday.  

Since my focus has mostly been on Easter, Snafu and then being sick. I have not created a lot of openings for opportunities to say yes. I have a pending invitation to visit my brother in Florida…(G - Anytime you want to send me possible dates, we’ll talk more). Otherwise, I’ve been told I’m “on the roster now for being a regular cantor” at church. I guess I’m okay with that.

I have seen and heard little dogs, but they have not crossed into our yard. By the way, this incident I consider a “Say yes to saying Nooooooo!” moment and so include it here.

 I’m thinking about starting a new business called “Screaming Banshee.”  Just hire me for a modest fee to run up the driveway and scream at the object of your frustration (neighbors, ex-lovers, mothers). I can come in various outfits, raincoat included, but the rake is optional.


  1. Oh, I do love the "Screaming Banshee" image, with or without rake. Perhaps another implement of destruction. I can think of a few people I get frustrated with and fantasize about telling off, but I'm far too non-confrontational in real life to do it. So I guess that means you're hired! :-D

  2. Will you consider franchizing? I wanna to be a screaming banshee, too! I got the wild outfit thing NAILED.

  3. oH! My neighbors 4 dogs who eliminate (not in their yard of course) while she she yells poo poo, poo poo at 3am in the morning...wear something that glows in the dark!


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