Saturday, May 14, 2011

Powerless Again! But Not Really.

Wow. Blogger goes down a day and the world does not cease.

Facebook provides.

At least Facebook provided a way to know that you weren’t the only one who couldn’t get into Blogger, and it provided a place to complain and trash Blogger.

It kind of gave me a lesson in “how important is this, really?”

That’s probably why I’m posting so late today. It’s not a big deal.

What a relief.

Don’t get me wrong. I panicked and kept trying to get into Blogger from different ways. I freaked when I couldn’t access specific posts. I ran a virus scan and tried again. Finally, I went to the Source of All Information…Facebook. 

Whew! And then...what just happened?

Deep down I've always felt there will come a time when I will disconnect from social media entirely. It would be easy since I do not use Twitter and I do not have a “mobile device” other than a basic pay-by-the-minute cell phone. For me it’s just Blogger and Facebook and that is enough to connect and keep up with.

Delete and Erase would take care of all of it. Unless, of course, I actually get a book published and then it would be a whole other matter entirely.

So, until then I’m here to enjoy!


  1. I'm humbled by the fact I have become a social media whore fancy phone or iPad, but I'm ready to blaze a path onto FB, finally. I was surprised how MUCH I missed connecting with everybody when Blogger went down. I'd like to think it's more than simple nosiness, but I'm afraid I'm doomed to be a busybody. Or is that just being human?
    Let's call it that.

  2. I checked the Blogger Buzz and Blogger status blogs (I don't do FB or Twitter).

    The way I look at it is that this is a free service. Free. They didn't set out to cause annoyance, they had a serious glitch and goddess knows how many IT folks lost lots of sleep, trying to get everything up and running again. Having lived with an IT guy (my ex) for a decade, I well understand that when it comes to computers/servers/etc. anything that can go wrong will.

    If I were paying for this service, perhaps I'd have been more put out or frustrated, but the bottom line is that it was just Blogger. It wasn't life and death, and not terribly important at all in the grand scheme of things.

    Just my $0.02!


  3. P.S. I hate beige. LOL. But I'm okay with the creamy colour going on the walls. Not quite the same as builder's beige. :-P


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