Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride

Wow! I have rediscovered Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride, common brand named Sudafed.

When they put it behind the pharmacy counter years ago, I stopped buying it. Too much trouble. I did try the alternate version, but didn't think it helped much. 

This morning I ventured to my neighborhood grocery store (Hannaford) to buy myself tissues and cough drops and thought I'd try that alternate version again. The shelves were bare of the product (lots of people with colds this time of year) so I had to ask about it at the pharmacy counter.

The pharmacist told me they had a Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride product, but I'd have to show my license and sign for it. It sounded really fancy and a lot of trouble to obtain so I asked how much it cost. When she told me it was only $1.77, I couldn't believe it! I dug out my license and waited until she filled my information in her log book and had me sign it. I forked over $2 in cash...

And lo and behold, it works! Yay! Some relief at last! I recommend it!

Now maybe I can get some sleep tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I also have found that only the real stuff works! Unfortunately the real stuff can also be used by idiots to cook up crystal meth. Hence the obligation to show ID and sign for it. Inconvenienced by yet another group of drug addled losers.....


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