Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Obese is what my ex used to call me. She'd read in a magazine how to measure your height and weight to determine your body mass and declared that I was obese. Apparently this is technically accurate. I'm certainly not a thin almost-fifty-year-old woman, but, at all of 5'3" I am short and likely getting shorter. In my humble estimation since I've never seen the "2" at the front of the three digits of the scale when I step on it, I'm okay - even though I am rotund.

Every time I've considered my weight a problem and sought to lose some of it, I've only gained it back, plus more. If I don't consider myself as having a weight problem and don't struggle with it, I at least stay about the same. I know what needs to be done. Since I’m pretty healthy all I need to do is stop eating as much and move more (using the work “exercise” would be like using the word “diet”).

It could be that simple...but food has aways been my reward.

I cannot seem to get passed that for long periods of time. For my 49th birthday my gifts included a mouth watering fried food luncheon from Augusta’s premier take-out joint “Red Barn” from the girls at work, a delectable and highly anticipated meal at “Olive Garden” from my partner (referred to as DP for Domestic Partner) which included my favorite dessert tiramisu, and breakfast from my step-daughter at the "Maine Diner.” I won’t even go into all the treats I threw in the grocery cart because it was my birthday week.

Now that birthday week is over, my plan is to cut back on consumption and dance around the house more thanks to my new Loreena McKennitt CD “The Wind that Shakes the Barley” (thanks DP!!!).

Well, at least until Thanksgiving. 


  1. You know, I just don't care anymore. I'm your height, pear-shaped by genetics, and chubby. I wear a size 14 in my clothes. Would I love to be a size 12 again? Sure. I know I'll never see size 10 again unless I'm deathly ill.

    The thing is, there are fewer days ahead of me now than behind me (I'll be 47 soon) and as long as I don't go crazy, I'm darned well going to eat what I want. (I love sweets, that's my downfall -- sugar is a real addiction.)

    Do I want to spend the rest of my life eating celery sticks and obsessing about my weight? Nope. Worrying about every wrinkle and trying to make an almost-50 year old body look half its age. H*ll no!

    I say eat what you want in moderation, move your body in enjoyable ways (your dancing or hiking or whatever) and just let the rest go. :-)

  2. You might like to join "Lose it . com" ~ it's an online diet site and it's free. I joined on January 1st this year and so far have lost 18 pounds! (my target is a total loss of 28 pounds). Somehow logging on daily and monitoring weight loss online really focused me! Let me know if you join and I will send you a "friend" invitation on the site.



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